The X-Stat hemostatic device is used for controlling deep narrow track junctional wounds in the groin or axilla that are not amenable to tourniquet application. This How-To video demonstrates the correct use of the X-Stat hemostatic device. Topics discussed include:
The different device sizes available
Indications and contraindications for use
Steps for application
Explanation of how the product works
The Joint Trauma System (JTS) is focused on the standard of care for prehospital battlefield medicine. The JTS is a Department of Defense, Center of Excellence for Trauma providing clinical practice guidelines and performance improvement for all levels of military trauma care. The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) is a committee of representatives from across the Army. Navy, Air Force and Marines positioned under the JTS that establishes clinical practice guidelines for the delivery of tactical combat casualty care (TCCC) on the battlefield.
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