Thornhill MADM™
MADM™ is the world’s first inline direct injection anesthetic vaporizer. Connect it to any ventilator and instantly you can deliver gas anesthesia, safely and accurately, anywhere your mission takes you.
The versatility and portability of MADM™ make
it ideal not only in the controlled environments
of operating rooms, intensive care units and
medical clinics, but also for delivering gas
anesthesia in more challenging environments
such as field hospitals and forward-deployed
surgical operations.
MADM™ is very economical in its consumption
of liquid anesthetic, and automatically adapts
its operation to the type of ventilator it is
connected to.
In a circle-circuit configuration, MADM™
automatically reduces its vaporization rate to
compensate for unused anesthetic returning
from the patient, resulting in a substantial
reduction in liquid anesthetic consumption.